ACCP “Excellence in Achievement”

Dr. Nilima Kshirsagar

The ACCP “Excellence in Achievement” Program is pleased to recognize Dr Nilima Kshirsagar, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology), DNB (Clinical Pharmacology), PhD (Pharmacology), FNAS, FNAMS, FRCP (UK), FACCP (USA), training UK.
Dr. Kshirsagar joined ACCP in September of 2006 and is currently a Fellow. She was the 2018 recipient of the Nathaniel T. Kwit Memorial Distinguished Service Award. She attended the 2010, 2014, 2018, 2020 and 2024 ACCP Annual Meetings and has served as a Faculty Speaker. She has submitted several manuscripts to The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and supported multiple applications for Fellow in the society.
Dr. Kshirsagar’s expertise is in the rational use of medicine, clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, phytopharmaceuticals, infectious diseases, tropical diseases, regulatory science and education. Dr. Kshirsagar has received many national, international and university/college awards, gold medals and orations such as ACCP’s Nathaniel T. Kwit Distinguished Service Award, the BC Roy Award of the Medical Council of India, the Vasvik Award for industrial research and the Mayor Mumbai Award and has delivered orations of national organizations including NASI, IPS, API, NAMS, AIIMS and MU. She currently serves as Emeritus Professor of the Maharashtra Univ of Health Sciences India and the DTAB Subcommittee FDC, Chairperson of SRUMC, CAR Phase I Clinical Trials Centres ICMR, NLEM Committee and as a Member Academic Council MUHS, SBVU.
Her international recognitions include serving as a Member of WHO, Product Development, Drug Statistics Methodology, Malaria Policy Advisory Group, Chairperson of the WHO Multidisciplinary Technical Group for ocular events miltefosine, Founder President SAC ACCP and member of the GLOBAL HEALTH Committee of IUPHAR. The is also an Industry-Consultant for ZYDUS Life Sciences and NGO-Board Member Piramal Swasthya. Her past accomplishments include Chairperson Core Training Panel PvPI, Member SAC (DNDi) Geneva, Chairperson Board FDEC (SUN ICMR ), Secretary General Clinical Division, IUPHAR, WHO Safety ACSoMP. She has also served as Chairperson SAG, BMS, member SAB National Chair Clinical Pharmacology, ICMR, Acting Vice-Chancellor, MUHS, Dean DMER, Head Clinical Pharmacology GSMC KEM TNMC BYL Nair, ESIC PGIMER Mumbai, Chairperson Academic Committee, Member Institute Body, Governing Council, AIIMS Delhi, President IPSIDSI and Member DTAB, Chairperson DSMC Bedaquiline.
Among her many achievements are development, clinical trials, patents, technology transfer for marketing, liposomal amphotericin for medicines, antibodies, vaccines for rabies, malaria, hypertension, infectious diseases, etc. She developed ICMR National Virtual Centre for Clinical Pharmacology, rational use of medicines centres, prescription research, prescribing skills online course, product development centers for clinical trials and policy studies. Her contribution to education include starting the Msc PhD PharmaMed DM, FAIMER USA Centre Mumbai and contributions to the Medical Council of India 2015 Vision Document.
Dr. Kshirsagar has over 280 publications in Lancet, Lancet Global Health, Lancet Infectious Diseases, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, PLoS, American Journal Tropical Medicine Hygiene, WHO Safety Medicines Public Health, Paediatrics, various books and Regulatory Drug Development.
Dr. Kshirsagar shared her thoughts on what ACCP membership means to her:
Membership and Fellowship in ACCP is an extraordinary, wonderful and much treasured addition to my professional and personal life. My association with ACCP started in 2005, when Drs. Chandra Sahajwalla and Larry Lesko initiated the setting up of the South Asian Chapter, now an affiliate of ACCP. It opened the doors for an everlasting association for me and most importantly for students, faculty and industry clinical pharmacology community from the region with experts, members and administrators of ACCP.
Under the auspices of SAC ACCP, there have been 14 Annual Conferences and Workshops with participation from fantastic people like Drs. David Lehmann, Hartmut Derendorf, Guenther Hochhaus, Michael Fossler and Dionna Green. Happily, every conference was blessed by the presence of the ACCP President or President Elect like Drs. Vikram Arya, John van den Anker, Navin Goyal and Bernd Meibohm.
Receiving the prestigious Nathaniel T. Kwit Memorial Distinguished Service Award was a humbling experience for me.
It was one of the SAC ACCP Workshops that led to my proposal to the Indian Council of Medical Research of Govt of India, for setting up a national virtual centre for clinical pharmacology with two verticals, one of product development and another rational use of medicines, it was approved with a budget of 8.5 million INR. It led to development of clinical trial centres, prescribing skills course, prescription research and work on COVID-19 during the pandemic.
Many students at the universities pursuing careers in clinical pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmaceutical medicine, treasure the memories of the SAC ACCP conferences and continue to benefit from it. SAC ACCP is becoming a central organization in the India for gaining knowledge, education and exchange of clinical pharmacology related scientific advancement. A big shout out to the ACCP leadership and all the members.
Congratulations, Dr. Kshirsagar, on being recognized for your outstanding achievements and contributions to ACCP!