Profiles in South Asian College of Clinical Pharmacology
Clinical Research department
clinical pharmacology research
Building Networks Among Stakeholders
In Clinical Pharmacology
Building Networks Among Stakeholders
In Clinical Pharmacology
SAC-ACCP was established in 2006. It all started with the ACCP board of regents under the leadership of Dr Lawrence Lesko (ex-president of ACCP), proposing to explore setting up international chapters at the meeting in March 2005. Dr Chandrahas Sahajwalla, then chair of the Membership committee for ACCP, took the lead in identifying qualified scientists in India with passion and drive to promote Clinical Pharmacology and the principles and values of ACCP. On March 14, 2005, Dr Sahajwalla invited Dr Nilima Kshirsagar to take the initiative and start creating an ACCP chapter in India.
Under her leadership, after enlisting the support and help of core funding members in India and several teleconferences between the American and Indian counterparts, Dr Nilima Kshirsagar submitted the paperwork to ACCP to establish the chapter on Nov.6, 2006. Dr Kshirsagar’s request to begin the South Asian branch of the ACCP in India was approved by the board of regents.
Thus began the journey of the South Asian Chapter. Dr Nilima Kshirsagar, an accomplished clinical Pharmacology researcher and teacher, had foresighted the need to educate, train and guide young Clinical Pharmacologists from the country and neighbouring countries in research and therapeutics relevant to the developing world.
In creating the chapter, past and present students and faculty of the G.S Medical College and KEM Hospital in Mumbai, departments of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology, experts, well-wishers from other academic institutions, and industry and government organizations contributed. In the past 8 years, the chapter has grown by leaps and bounds. It has organized annual international conferences and several workshops in collaboration with the University, National Research Institutes with generous funding and help from ICMR, DBT, DST, CSIR Govt. of India, WHO and the Pharmaceutical industry. From a modest attendance at the first conference, the participation has grown several folds, attracting industry and academic participation.
The Organizing Committee has invited faculty from within the Country and other countries such as the UK, USA, Nepal, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Germany, Norway and WHO for these conferences and workshops. Many from India and other countries, notably Ashok Vaidya, Kiran Marthak, Nithya Gogtay, Anish Desai, Sanish Davis, Manoj Jadhav, Sagar Bacchav, Neema Rege from India David Lehman, Chandrahas Sahajwalla, Hartmut Derendorf, Guenther Hauchaus from USA, Robin Ferner from U.K, Shanti Pal from WHO, PriyaBahri from EMA have contributed to the chapter.
We are very confident of the future of the chapter. We wish to make it an essential platform for fostering the discipline of clinical pharmacology in the young and senior, whether they are in academia, industry, government or non-governmental organizations, specially from South Asian Countries.